For hair removal this thing hurt, these 4 methods + care package thrown to you!


Hair this “double-edged sword”

Classification different have to speak!

Human hair is mainly divided into two categories, one is hard hair, one is hair, hard hair is hair, eyebrows are eyelashes and other dark hair, the other is hair, compared to the texture of hard hair, it is very thin, light color, mainly concentrated in the face and neck, this is what we call “hairy”.

So, according to their classification, you can understand what Ba said “double-edged sword”. As far as hair is concerned, dark colors or large volumes do not affect our overall aesthetic. But for hair, if the color is too dark too much, it can be very distressing!

So! So! Hair removal is an imperative for many of our fairies! But at this point the question arises again, how do we carry out the study of choosing a hair removal method suitable for students themselves as well as improve the care management methods? Poke 👇

Hair removal is a matter of care

It’s not good to use the wrong method!
dermes medilase

1. Beeswax leg hair removal


Advantages: clean and thorough, one step at a time

Duration: 1-3 months

Nowadays, almost 80% of people choose honey wax because it is not only convenient but also very clean so it does not leave scars. Although removal is a great test of endurance, the results are amazing!

2. Hair removal cream

Suitable location: legs, arms

dermes medilase
Benefits: Reduces pain

Duration: 1 month

In addition to the scraper, hair removal cream is also a better choice. It will not hurt you and is very convenient. Just put it on your body before showering and wipe it off with a sponge or towel after 5 minutes!

It really does remove hair instantly! Just 5 minutes to get rid of all the hair on your hands and feet!

3. Laser hair removal

Suitable location: whole body

Advantages: reduce pain, save energy

Duration: permanent

If you want to have a one-time hair removal, then you have to choose to use laser hair removal! The use of their own specific light to completely destroy the hair follicles, so that their development no longer grow, but there are many hair follicles in our body and they are in the hypnosis or growth period, respectively, so to get through the students many times the laser hair removal to completely eliminate all the social period of the hair follicles ~ the specific number of work to consult your physician minions, which is different from person to person it!

4. hair bleaching method

Suitable location: lip hair

Advantages: time saving, fast in place

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Duration: one week

This method will mostly be used to remove lip hair from the face, the first lip hair itself is very short and very soft, so it is easy to bleach when using hair bleach. But! YES! This method is fundamentally different from the previous ones because it only changes the color of the surface and does not remove it completely, making it a good choice for first aid.

It is a bleaching agent with a relatively small amount. Just brush a little on your lip hair and within 10 minutes you can bleach your lip hair to the same color as your skin, and bleach your eyebrows too! It’s great to kill two birds with one stone!

Hair removal alone is not enough!

Care should also be done successfully!

1. Use cool water to tighten the pores

After hair removal, it is recommended that fairies rinse with cold water to tighten the pores, making them smaller, so that dirt is not easy to enter and avoid leg infections, resulting in redness and other symptoms.

2. Do not use body wash immediately

After the hair removal, the day we do not immediately shower problems or by using body wash. Because they are at this time your pores are open, fierce with hot water rush or body wash words, legs are very easy to feel a stimulation, meet a sensitive skin girls, the direct impact will lead to trigger allergies!

3. Sun protection

Because the pores of the just hair removal is relatively large, in the sun after exposure to the sun is easy to cause pigmentation, so the northern nose must add sunscreen, so as to prevent the sun caused by pigmentation, but also to a certain extent to prevent the air of dirt infringement of the skin!

4. use body milk to moisturize the skin immediately

After hair removal, the pores will open up. At this point, we need to apply some body milk that calms and moisturizes the skin. It will not only become a protective film for the pores in direct contact with the air, but also lock the moisture in the skin. What? You don’t know which one to choose? Don’t be afraid, Ba found it for you 👇

With their care

Beauty again Hold

It’s moisturizing, it’s instantly absorbed when applied to the body, and it contains repair factors to tone the skin texture… great!

Not only is it not irritating to the skin, but the texture is very fine and the top half smells great. The moisturizing and hydrating ability is simply not very good!

The first thing that can attract me is the refreshing fragrance it emits on its own, very pleasant and refreshing. Secondly we are its water retention power, the skin’s moisturizing work ability analysis gets developed to carry out effectively!

After reading the testimonials of Ba Da Sister, you are not afraid of leg hair fall?

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